Friday, June 15, 2012

What A Wonderful Day

      After a much better morning practice, my husband and I went to the OBGYN for a 20 week ultrasound of our baby and to find out the sex. After waiting from 9:30 to 11:30 we were finally sent back to the room with the ultrasound woman (Her father was having issues so she was late to work, we forgave her). I can tell you one thing though, once we started with the ultrasound things got pretty interesting. That baby did NOT want to cooperate at all! The thing was balled up so tight we barely made anything out at first. Well, besides the head. That is pretty much obvious in any way shape or form. After much rolling and and flopping the baby began to relax and show off the much needed parts for examination. We find out tomorrow, as a family, the sex of the baby. Excited? Yes. Not to mention I get to eat cake :P.
      My husband had to rush to work after that so we didn't get to have lunch together. That was saddening. I was hoping to sit down to lunch and have a nice talk with him but that didn't happen. Nevertheless, I brought him lunch at work so that he didn't starve. I thought that was nice of me :) but then again I love him so it wasn't like I minded bringing him food. That and I was quite hungry myself too. I brought home my food and stuffed my face. It definitely was not on the healthy side at all. Open-Faced Roast Beef with fries. Yep, I ate it. Stuffed my big ole' face with it and felt horrible after because of all the carb loading it did. I felt extremely sluggish too but you know what? I was full and my hunger was sedated for the moment. This baby sure is taking a toll on my metabolism.

      Other than that, I have an interview on Monday at 10 AM. :D Yayyyy! Tiny Devotions, a company that sells mala beads and necklaces, was looking for sales representatives and I applied on a whim. I thought it would be wonderful to work for the company but never thought I'd get chosen for an interview and yet... I HAVE ONE! Yay. I'm quite excited. I'm by far not bohemian but I am a yogi so hey maybe I'll get lucky and actually get hired. I'm not getting too excited because I don't want to jinx myself but I can't help it.

Wish me luck!! :)

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