I was looking at the date and staring in disbelief!! I can't believe it's been since February. My meditation is still crazy bad, and I've digressed in my practice. After opening my studio things went a little crazy and hectic. I should have never opened it really. I should have looked around for a place to teach at BEFORE signing a lease. Now I'm stuck in a lease with no real interest in the yoga.
Heck, I've lost touch with MY practice because I was so busy teaching. I've always been told that teaching yoga and practicing yoga is two totally different things. Guess I should have listened because it is spot on the money. I love practicing way more than teaching. Not to mention, I had someone ask me if I wanted to take something I loved and turn it into work. Too bad they didn't ask me that before I did everything to open my business. I would have reconsidered.
I enjoy teaching, but not at the expense where I see everyone as a dollar sign to help pay bills. I literally don't have enough people to pay my bills and when I lose folks it's like a knife is stuck in my stomach as I think of a way to recreate that money that I just lost. Thankfully, the women that come to my studio have become like family and are doing everything they can to help me out of this mess I've created for myself.
Since February, I have moved, broken my lease for the studio, and am actively coaching for Team Beachbody. I've fell in love with Insanity and Focus T25. They are amazing, fun, and very challenging. I do love a challenge. I'm currently working to get my practice back together from the pieces it is in and I meditate from time to time. I even have a nifty little app on my phone for it ;).
There is so much that I could tell you, but I wouldn't even know where to start. That and I wouldn't want to bore you too much. Thankfully, my husband has a job and I can stay home with my son. It's very lovely and makes for an easy way to plan my day. Sort of. I have to plan around a child haha. Time for me to get up earlier to practice AND workout. My practices will be the modified versions of Ashtanga. I still love that practice the most. I'm partial ;)
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